Adding Active Directory Users


Adding Active Directory Users to Active Directory is a vital task that helps in effective user management and access control. This guide explores two methods for adding Active Directory users: using the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and PowerShell commands.

Add Active Directory Users via GUI

Launch Server Manager

Click Tools / Active Directory users and Computers


Right click on Users on the left and select New / User


Input username and logon for the new user. Click Next


Set the initial password for the new User. Click Next


Confirm the details, then click Finish


A new user has now been added to the domain. This user can now log into any machine that is joined to the domain.

Add Active Directory Users via Powershell

Launch PowerShell as admin

Show the current list of AD users

Get-ADUser -Filter * | Format-Table DistingusihedName


Add a new user, this user will be named JPCuser


Verify the account creation

Get-ADUser -Identity JPCuser


Additional PowerShell Commands

Reset an existing users password

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity JPCuser `
-NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText 0qpvP45Y4DZm29t8 -Force) `


Delete a user account

Remove-ADUser -Identity CN=JPCuser,CN=Users,DC=JPC,DC=net

Select the Yes to All option.



Adding users to Active Directory is a fundamental task for network administrators. Whether you choose the GUI or PowerShell method depends on your preferences and specific use cases. The GUI offers simplicity and visual guidance, while PowerShell is powerful for automation and bulk operations.

By following the steps provided in this guide, you can effectively add and manage user accounts in your Active Directory domain!