Adding Active Directory Computer Accounts


In Active Directory management, adding computer accounts is essential for proper network organization. This guide demonstrates two methods for adding Active Directory computer accounts: using the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and PowerShell commands.

Add Active Directory Computer Account via GUI

Launch Active Directory Users and Computers

Right click on your Computers on the left tree and select New then Computer


Input any computer name, this example was JPCserver, then click OK


The new computer has now been added to the Computers group

Add Active Directory Computer Account via PowerShell

Launch PowerShell as admin

Show the current list of AD computers

Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Format-Table DistinguishedName


Add a new computer called JPCserver2

New-ADComputer -Name JPCserver2


Verify the newly added computer

Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Format-Table DistinguishedName


Deleting computer accounts

Remove-ADComputer -Identity CN=JPCserver2,CN=Computers,DC=srv,DC=world
  • Choose yes when prompted.



Adding computer accounts to your Active Directory is a fundamental task for maintaining an organized and efficient network environment. The choice between the GUI and PowerShell methods depends on your specific needs.

The GUI provides simplicity and ease of use for single or occasional additions. PowerShell is ideal for managing large numbers of computer accounts or automation.

By using these methods, you can effectively manage and maintain your computer accounts in Active Directory, ensuring your network operates smoothly and efficiently!